Nuestros medios son concebidos como espacios inclusivos, democráticos y responsables, regidos por la Ley de Prensa; en los cuales se revoluciona la forma tradicional de hacer medios comunicación unidireccionales, a medios de construcción conjunta permanente.
La comunidad en torno a la Red Nacional, es de más de 10.000 corresponsales ciudadanos, quienes en su mayoría, han participado de capacitaciones de web social y periodismo participativo. Éstos postulan sus noticias, columnas, entrevistas, entre otro tipo de contenido, que luego de ser revisados por nuestros equipos de profesionales en regiones, se publican en sus ediciones diarias.
Nuestra línea editorial, se define como amplia e inclusiva. Ésta se abre a que las voces de los que integran una comunidad (autoridades, ciudadanos, líderes, entre otros), tengan la posibilidad de expresarse, influir, dialogar y actuar acerca de las temáticas relevantes que viven las comunas, ciudades y regiones. No publicamos farándula, ni crónica roja, nuestra mirada es hacer medios responsables con la realidad que se construye diariamente en la sociedad, la exacerbación y protagonismo de estos argumentos revela una fotografía existente, pero creemos muy parcial de lo que realmente ocurre a diario en cualquier lugar del país. Promocionamos la participación ciudadana activa y responsable, las conversaciones de futuro de las que tendremos que hacernos cargo más adelante y el emprendimiento desde todas sus dimensiones.
How do we create new media?
We are moved by the goal of generating media where all those different actors shaping the local reality can actively engage on dialogue, take action on the issues they care about, and open new doors as they push local agendas. We devote ourselves to our collaboratively-created, participative Media Agoras, serving strong and very active audiences.
Our sites are perceived as very inclusive, democratic, and socially responsible media outlets. All of them are ruled under the “Press Law” but we, as a company, seek to re-define the traditional way media is created. We want to stay away from one-way conversations and work towards a model where content is constantly created in a collective and horizontal way.
The community participating in our sites is built on more than 10.000 citizen correspondents. Most of them have attended our workshops on social web and participatory journalism. These correspondents send us their news, columns, pictures, videos and interviews which, after being reviewed and edited by our professional teams present in all the cities we cover, get published on our daily editions.
Our editorial stance is a wide and inclusive one. We are eager to include all those voices interacting in a community (government authorities, citizens, leaders, among so many actors) and want to give them the chance to express themselves, influence, dialogue, and act over the issues shaping the realities of the Chilean cities and provinces. We don´t publish anything related to yellow press or police blotter, as we advocate for media that takes responsibility for its content and the reality said content might create. We believe the exacerbation of yellow press and police blotter coverage to be an extremely narrowed perspective on what really happens along our country. We promote an active and responsible exercise of citizenship, where those involved in dialogue bring the future to their conversations and promote entrepreneurship in all its different expressions.